“All my life, friends have said “if we can only bottle your energy Lucia, we would be billionaires”.


I had not felt that way for quite awhile, until I started drinking Brigitte’s special, organic, miracle shakes and now, not only is my energy level back to where it was, my pain since the hip surgery is totally gone. Months ago, I had very high cholesterol. It was 270 and in two weeks it went down to 170 due to this special formula. My Doctor was truly amazed and couldn’t believe it when she checked me again. There is no doubt in my mind that I recovered much faster after my hip replacement surgery, by drinking Brigitte’s special formula shakes every day. For this, I can’t thank her enough. I know, for a fact, that she has saved many peoples lives and helped thousands, but there are so many sick people out there, who need to really get on her program so they can get healthy again. As you know, I have many friends in the entertainment industry and my gift to them is to get them on The Mega Way Organic Shakes with HD liquid vitamins & Holistic Nutritional Lifestyle Program. I feel that one of my A list Actor/Singer friends would be a great spokesperson for Brigitte worldwide once they see how what she does will completely change their life, as it has mine. Brigitte is a truly a giving, loving, inspirational and a brilliant woman and I am personally honored to have her in my life as a friend. The world needs to know her”.


Lucia Kaiser – Film Producer – CEO-Kaiser International Inc. New York City